
You can help support our mission!

Your donation will help us to continue the PAMAL_Care program to archive, preserve and reconstruct lost or damaged digital artworks. Through such action, we are at the same time preserving the digital industrial heritage, insofar as our media archaeological reconstructions use the original hardware and software.

Thank you so much! With your help we can continue to:

  • acquire the machines and tools necessary for our media archaeological reconstruction operations
  • reconstruct digital artworks according to the media archaeological method, which requires time and technical means; for example we are currently working on the telematic novel L’Objet Perdu by Jacques-Elie Chabert and Camille Philibert (1985)
  • preserve the artwork of deceased artists, pending its acquisition by institutional structures; for example, the work of Yann Le Guennec
  • expand our theoretical and practical research on the conservation, restoration and reconstruction of digital arts and e-literature
  • assist local initiatives and students in finding solution and to share expertise in the conservation and restoration of digital arts and e-literature
  • disseminate and exhibit our researches and works
  • preserve many other works that have disappeared or are in poor condition….


If you have any questions or ideas, we’d love to hear them at: